Monday, October 5, 2020

Spooky Board Games: Shrieks & Creaks


For a while I was a little obsessed with VHS board games some time ago, but aside from video tapes with creepy sorcerers, undertakers, or witches, there were simpler and equally silly horror games with tapes in lieu of the more entertaining visual format. What's even more interesting is that there's no rewinding or scene skipping with this game. You use a plastic player piece and plug it into the game speaker to see whether you get your next move. The speaker is only triggered if you manage to 'open a door', so it's still a game of chance even with a tape playing with a somewhat spooky narrator.

I'll be honest, the mechanics aren't great. It's a very silly game with a very simple goal and frustrating setbacks if you pick the wrong rooms by mistake. Maybe even more frustrating than being knocked back to the beginning of Sorry with your last piece near home. The artwork is cool, though, and for the kitsch factor I'll definitely give Shrieks & Creaks a recommendation.

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