Friday, March 27, 2015

Spooky Board Games: Creepy Hand

I love movie magic. The ability of someone with a few camera angles and quick cuts to make something simple seem that much more intriguing. This is a UK game, so was never easily available to us over here in the states. However, the beauty of the internet makes things that once were impossible to get a hold of...quite easy.

There really isn't too much to say about Creepy Hand, because it's a simple premise. A battery-operated hand crawls around and points a finger at the person who has to pick the card. Kind of like 'Would You Rather', with a bit of an Addams Family twist. Honestly, I think I would have preferred if they'd just had Thing in a box, have it spin around inside, and flip open to point at someone...

Oh well. It's a cute Halloween game for kids. Not rocket science. Much like 'Ask Zandar', the main prop is still pretty cool, even if the game isn't absolutely amazing. There's only so much you can do with a board game.

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