Sunday, October 15, 2017

Halloween Bath Bomb Recipes

There are two times you'll find yourself routinely soaking in boiling water: when you're in the process of becoming a delicious stew for your friendly neighborhood cannibals, and when you're just in the mood for a nice bath. Me, personally, I like my baths hot enough to turn me lobster red. As far as being prepared for a meal goes, I'd like to at least thing I didn't get the same kind of crustacean treatment, but you can't always pick and choose. Cannibals probably don't like the taste of bath salts, bombs, or soaps. Even if the smell is incredible. Then, when it comes to having an amazing soak in your bathtub, those things can get so darn expensive! 8-12 dollars just for a bath? Surely you want something more out of it than a half hour soak. That's where these awesome crafty recipes come in, just in time for Halloween season....they may only last for a couple of minutes, but they sure are fun to make.

Be sure to check out the other amazing videos from these creators if you liked their spooky selections. They really are all pretty awesome.

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