Saturday, October 10, 2020

Horror Flick of the Week: The Invisible Man (2020)


Shocking as it may be, this week I am featuring a film that is younger than twenty years old. For once. I didn't think there was a remote chance I'd enjoy this 4th remake (if you count the many sequels, then even more) of a film I'd only ever really enjoyed in its first incarnation. Especially given that in the trailers they seemed to be taking more of a Hollow Man approach - - and I was not a fan of that one, despite my love of Kevin Bacon. I was completely wrong, however, and this movie was far more delightful. The Invisible Man really became the monster of the piece, while the victim's point of view came to the forefront. It lent far more of a mystery element in some ways to a film that had never really had that before. It's sort of crazy realizing that a film about an invisible man had never really been much of a mystery before. For the most part the audience always knew where he was, save for a few sequences at the climax of Hollow Man.

Please, give this movie a chance as soon as possible. The atmosphere is perfect. The message in the story is relevant. The acting is superb. It's a film worthy of the Universal Monster universe, and even better is that it's in conjunction with Blumhause - - which has has very quickly seemed to become the king company of horror films these days.

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